Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

above, as late as 1919 the British Foreign Office thought
that Islam and the Caliphate were of such significance to
Britainʼs interests, that the British government produced a
handbook entitled The Rise of Islam and the Caliphate. It is
only by keeping the public in a historical vacuum that our
leaders can get away with pretending the Caliphate is some
ancient, exceptional part of Islam, something of no interest
to most Muslims. This is not the case. Even after the
Caliphate was abolished, throughout the twentieth-century
Muslims in many different countries were working to bring
it back (as we show below). If Hitler and the Nazis are
considered to be important political landmarks in the
West, then the Caliphate should be considered to be of
even greater importance. Any acolytes of Hitler are
considered lunatics on the fringe of society. But the
acolytes of Mohammed are to be found in the very heart

of government, universities and the media.^90
You might think that any comparison between Islam
and Nazism is tasteless and uneducated. But a few weeks

after the 7/7 terrorist attack on London^91 (and after the
now-forgotten 21/7 failed terrorist attack on the same

city),^92 David Cameron, the future Prime Minister of the
UK, compared Islamic extremists to Nazis.

The  driving     force   behind  today’s     terrorist
threat is Islamist fundamentalism. The
struggle we are engaged in is, at root,
ideological. During the last century a strain of
Islamist thinking has developed which, like
other totalitarianisms, such as Nazi-ism [sic]
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