Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

Islam was that being a jihadi dedicated to killing the
unbeliever is precisely the Islamic equivalent of being a

monk in Christianity or Buddhism.^99 The most authoritative
biography of Mohammed was known by Muslims
throughout the following centuries as “the book of

campaigns” i.e. the book of wars.^100 That Islam promotes
war and that Mohammed was a warlord is the single most
distinctive feature of Islam as a “religion” - it is this which
truly distinguishes Islam from all other religions in the
last 3000 years. It is only while Muslims are a small
minority in the West that they feel the need to conceal
that Mohammed was a military leader. We will show
some Muslim experts do not even bother to hide this.
The terrorist attacks discussed earlier are just a tiny
fraction of the terrorist attacks by Muslims since 2001. And
in the West the number of thwarted terrorism attempts by
Muslims greatly exceeds the number of attempts where they
succeeded. It is no surprise that we have become
accustomed to Islam-related terrorist attacks by Muslims.
What is astonishing is that we do not notice the absence of
Islam-related terrorist attacks by us Kuffar: no-one goes
and kills Muslims in response to Muslims killing our
countrymen. Despite thousands and thousands of terrorist
attacks and foiled terrorist attacks by Muslims, the Kuffar do
not fight fire with fire. It is clear that in the West there is
no ideology or religion which inspires and motivates
terrorist attacks on Muslims. If in a Muslim majority
country some immigrant religion was used to justify attacks
on Muslims, the response from Muslims would be swift and
shockingly brutal. So why in the West are politicians and

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