Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

true Islam, but it is somehow connected with Islam because
the terrorists “self-identify” as Muslims. What other way is
there to be a Muslim other than to identify oneself as a
Muslim? All that it requires to become a Muslim is to
sincerely say “There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is
his Messenger”. Stating that in front of two witnesses is

enough to make someone a Muslim.^133 Being a Muslim is
not a biological category. Being a Muslim is a commitment
to implementing specific behaviours based on specific
doctrines. And the source code for these doctrines is the
The British PM insisted that it is an “extremist”
interpretation that’s winning, but that this interpretation has
some “scriptural basis”. So where are Muslims getting this
interpretation from? And just how much basis is there in the
scripture of Islam for this “extremist” interpretation? If this
is an “extreme ideology” which is “not true Islam” but is
somehow “connected” to Islam, the British government
seemed determined never to address how it was connected
to Islam. Moreover, how is this extremist ideology
overpowering “moderate voices within the debate” if this
debate is never taking place? Throughout the thousands
of hours of television programmes every week, none of
this television output is devoted to discussing which is the
true form of Islam. TV debates might pit the Kuffar against
Muslims, but we see no TV debates between “moderate”
and “extremist” Muslims, because the TV producers know
that the latter would win such debates concerning what is
the truth about Islam. Those state-funded schools in Britain
which are following the national curriculum are not

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