Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

gentlemanly invitation to state his position in universities,
and that Irving’s ideas are calmly and politely challenged
and presumably defeated. But this is not so: Irving does not
get into universities to make his case, such that most
university graduates have no idea what it is he disputes

about the Holocaust.^144 But Islamic preachers, who are
known to express “extremist” views, are going into
universities to speak, invited to do so by Muslim

students.^145 And in such situations it is even known for
student unions to command that the student body put up
no protest! This even occurs when Parliament has heard
evidence that Muslim students from those specific

universities have been involved in major terrorism plots.^146
Should David Irving have ever been invited into a university
to state his beliefs, it is absolutely unimaginable that he
would have been allowed to do so with the studentsʼ union
telling students not to protest against his presence. So it is
not just that Irving is barred from entering universities to be
debated and refuted; Islamic extremists go into university to
speak with absolutely no indication that their views are
allowed to be challenged, let alone refuted. Political leaders
in the West are not only able to perpetuate The Grand
Lie, but these leaders are also able to pretend that those
with political views beyond the pale have those views
openly and rationally refuted. This is the myth of how
“the Open Society” works, but it is just another lie. When
Islamic “extremists” visit UK universities, those non-
Muslims in the audience are even instructed that they
must not criticise what they hear (they are only permitted

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