- Athanasius returns to Alexandria.
- Alexandrians receive him with great acclamation.
- Emperor Constance assassinated and a storm
gathers anew. - Constantinus turns against Athanasius.
- Council of Milan and its consequences.
- Another period of hardships and suffering for
Copts. - Assault on Faithful inside Church and
disappearance of Athanasius. - Athanasius hides for six years in the home of a
deaconess. - Leaves house of deaconess and moves around
unperceived. - Writes his defence against Arianism.
- Refutes a new heresy.
- Constantius dies suddenly and is succeeded by
Julian. - Athanasius resumes his activities in Alexandria.
- Reconciles Greeks and Latins.
- Ju1ian hounds Athanasius.
- Returns after Julian's death and accession of
Jovian. - Jovian's untimely death and his succession by
Valens in the East. - Third pastoral tour.
- Valens as fickle towards Christians as many of his
predecessors. - Athanasius refutes heresy of Apollinarius.
- His last-five years spent in peace.
- The Church Universal confers on him title of `the