(Elle) #1

enabled them to suffer injuries and even death without
giving in or giving up.

  1. Antoni, the chief of solitaries and aged saint, was
    still alive in the desert. His serene spirit revolted against
    these turbulent events. So he descended from his
    mountain and once more appeared in the streets of
    Alexandria. Standing in its central square, he addressed
    the people in simple, sublime language, and the multitudes
    thronged to hear him. None dared raise a hand against
    this giant man of God, whose age and years of
    consecrated saintly service had won him universal
    veneration. The Arians trembled while he 'spoke, but
    perforce remained silent. When he ended his defence, he
    returned to his desert abode, leaving within the city a host
    of consoled, re-affirmed souls.^26

  2. In the meantime, what was Athanasius doing in the
    land he chose for self-exile? He was active as ever, and
    Christians from many lands had their attentions riveted on
    him, while their hearts throbbed with emotions. To them
    "this illustrious fighter bore on his shoulders the whole
    edifice of Christ's Church."^27
    Julius, Bishop of Rome, welcomed him to the city,
    and sent out an invitation to all bishops in Christendom to
    come and confer with him, and hold a council in which
    any differences could be resolved. A good number of the
    Occidental bishops immediately responded to his
    invitation, but of the Orientalise, only those who were
    friendly to Athanasius came. As for his foes-headed by
    Eusebius, former bishop of Nicomedia who had become
    bishop of Constantinople-they bided their time and
    delayed the messengers sent by Julius.

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