(Elle) #1

valuable document and because it proves that the Bishop
of Rome at that time exercised no universal jurisdiction
and did not have those prerogatives that his successors in
later ages claimed that he had.^29

  1. The letter opened thus: "Julius to Danius,
    Flaceillus, Narcissus, Eusebius, Maris, Macedonius,
    Theodorus, and their friends who wrote to us from
    Antioch, our dearly beloved brethren, salutations ... "
    Julius then continues: "I read your letter brought
    to me by my priests Elpidius and Philoxenus, and I was
    astonished to find that in answer to my letter, written with
    affection and love for the Truth, you sent me an answer
    full of bitterness and disrespect. The pride and arrogance
    of those who have written it are reflected in every line;
    such sentiments are far from Christian. In fact the spirit
    of dispute bursts from it instead of the spirit of love. If
    the writer of this letter desired to give proof of his
    eloquence, he might have reserved it for other occasions.
    In ecclesiastical affairs, the apostolic canons are to be
    sought rather than eloquence ... If it pleased some of you
    to listen to the voice of anger and write a letter under its
    sway, the sun should not have set on such anger, still less
    should it have been consigned to paper. What did you
    find in my letter to legitimise such rage? Is it because I
    have invited you to the council? This invitation should
    have delighted you: those who have no doubt whatsoever
    on the justice of their acts cannot be discontented when
    their acts are subjected to examination-they ought rather
    to be persuaded that what has been passed with justice
    will not be found unjust. That is why the great Council of
    Nicea permitted the discussion of the acts of previous
    councils ... A tradition established by the Church and

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