(Elle) #1

  1. Very few Oriental bishops attended the Milan
    council; while there were over three hundred Occidentals.
    As soon as they assembled, the Arians declared they must
    come to an agreement on the subject of condemning
    Athanasius before deliberating on any other subject. Most
    of the bishops present ratified the condemnation that had
    already been prepared, through fear of the Emperor
    whose feelings they knew. Some of them however were
    fearless, and courageously stood up and defended the
    Orthodox Faith and Athanasius its great champion. They
    refused to be cowed by the clamours of the Arians and the
    menaces of the Emperor.
    One of these was Hilarious, Bishop of Poitiers who
    sent a letter of protest to Emperor Constantius, telling
    him of the anger and disappointment felt by all true
    Christians at his behaviour. He wrote: "We are
    discovering, O ravening wolf, the skin under which you
    hide. You present yourself to the bishops to give them
    that same kiss by which the Lord was betrayed. You bow
    the head to receive their benediction, and you trample the
    Faith under your feet. You invite them to dine at your
    table, and when they rise from your banquets, it is to sell
    God as did Judas ... you renounce your rights in their
    favour but it is to make them forget their own duties and
    lose the eternal reward".^39

  2. Athanasius was condemned in absentia, for he did
    not go to Milan to attend the Council. No order was
    given to arrest or banish him, yet the Church of Egypt
    was pressured and persecuted in diverse ways. When
    Easter came, the people did not dare to go to Church to
    celebrate it for they knew they would not be left in peace.
    So they celebrated it in the cemeteries.^40 Athanasius bore

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