bishops were in exile, and that only Lucius was there. Facing
him and his armed men, he emphatically declared: "I am not
worthy of this honour of being ordained bishop; but if
necessity is laid upon me, I would still categorically refuse to
be ordained by a blasphemer against our Lord and an
intruder on the most honoured Chair of St. Mark." This
public affront enraged the transgressors, but they had to
swallow their pride as they could not over-rule the imperial
order. All they could do was to expend every effort to try
and convince Moses to accept the consecration administered
by Lucius, but all their efforts were fruitless.
At the same time, Queen Mauvia insisted on having
the man of her people's choice. Finally Moses was taken to
the nearest of the rightful exiled bishops, and-in spite of the
tyrants - consecrated Bishop by them amidst joyful triumph
of his people.
Once consecrated by those whom he esteemed,
Bishop Moses the Egyptian happily joined his people. He set
himself to the service of those who had elected him,
shepherding them in purity, equity and righteousness all his
life. Through his constancy and his example, he was able
also to win the Queen to the Orthodox Faith.^4
- Despite torments and trials, the Egyptians remained
true to their Creed, and clamoured for the return of their
exiled Pope and bishops. Finally toward the end of A.D.
378, Abba Petros II courageously returned to Alexandria,
and his people went out to meet him with great joy. At this
popular manifestation, Lucius took fright and fled to
Constantinople. Valens at the time was entangled in the
pernicious war with the Persians which proved fatal to him.
After his death Lucius lost his mainstay, and Abba Petros
settled peacefully among his people. The exiled bishops all
returned to their Sees.