Eutyches. We also accept the twelve anathemas of Abba
Kyrillos of blessed memory; we confess that our Lord
God Jesus the Christ, the Only Begotton Son of God was
verily incarnate, while being Consubstantial with the
Father in His Divinity; He it is Who descended from
heaven and was made flesh by the Holy Spirit of the
Virgin Mary the Mother-of-God; He is One, and not two.
We say that it is the same Son of God Who performed
miracles, and Who suffered voluntarily in the flesh. We
refuse altogether those who divide or confound the two
natures – such as Nestorius; those who adopt a simple
appearance of the Incarnation – such as Eutyches. We
anathematise whoever believes, or has believed otherwise,
at Chalcedon or any other council – specifically Nestorius,
Eutyches and their partisans”.
“Be ye, therefore reconciled one to the other
within the Church, our Spiritual Mother, as loving
children; and She will grant you Her Manifold blessings.
Thus will angels rejoice, and we will give thanks to our
Heavenly Father”.^12
- The imperial messengers of Bishop Acacius carried
“The Henoticon” to Abba Petros in Alexandria. All of
them went together to St. Mark’s Church, where the
Alexandrian Pope spoke to the multitude who crowded it,
explaining to them the doctrines declared in “The
Henoticon”. He then asked them to pray that God may
prolong the life of the Emperor under whose sway the
reconciliation of the churches was effected. They, then,
lifted up their voices in “The Prayer of Thanksgiving”.
After such a prolonged and unhappy period of
dissension and persecution, this was indeed a joyful
reconciliation. Letters of congratulations and fraternal