The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

Song 4

0 my god, no one can seize your holy place
nor alter it, for no one has such power.
You designed your sanctuary before you drew the world.
What is older will not be undone by the younger.
You gave your heart to your believers, O lord,
and will not stumble or be fruitless.
One hour of your faith is more precious than all days and years.
Who can feel pain by wearing your grace?
Your seal is known. Creatures know it.
Archangels are robed in it.
You gave your fellowship. Not you, but we, were in need.
Distill your dews upon us.
Open your rich fountains and let milk and honey pour out.
You hold back nothing that you promise
and know the ends and give freely
so you might withdraw and give us again.
You know all, god, and from the beginning fix order.
And you, O lord, make all things.

Song 5
1 thank you, O lord, because I love you.
O highest one, do not abandon me,
for you are my hope.
Your grace I have received freely and live on it.
My persecutors will come, but let them not see me.
Let a cloud of darkness fall on their eyes
and thick gloom darken them.
Let light be gone and I be invisible
so they will not come to seize me.
Let their counsel be thick darkness
and their cunning turn on their own heads,
for their counsel is sham.
The lord is my hope; I will not fear.
He is a garland on my head. I will not move into sorrows.
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