The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

His love feeds my heart.
His sweet foods reach my lips.
In my mouth his spirit talks of his glory and beauty,
labor of his hands, the craft of his fingers,
mercy of infinite horizon, the power of his word.
The lord's word finds the invisible and reveals his thought.
Our eye sees his labor, our ears hear his mind.
He spread out the earth and placed the waters in the sea.
He measured the firmament and fixed the stars.
He created and rested.
Created things follow a pattern. They know no rest.
Throngs of people follow his word.
The gold coin of light is the sun.
The gold coin of darkness is the night.
He made the sun to clarify the day
but evening blurs the face of the earth.
Their alternation speaks the beauty of god.
And nothing exists without the lord.
He was before anything was. With his word,
his thought, and his heart he made our worlds.
To his name glory and honor.

Song 17

I was crowned by god, by a crown alive.
My lord justified me. He is my sure salvation.
He freed me from myself and condemnation.
The chain fell from my wrists.
I took on the face and ways of a new person,
walked in him, and was redeemed.
The thought of truth drove me.
I walked to it and didn't wander off.
Those who saw me were amazed,
supposing me 10 be a strange person.
He who knew me and brought me up
is the mountain of perfection.
He glorified me by kindness
and raised my thought to truth, showing me his way.
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