The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

I opened closed doors, shattered bars of iron.
My shackles melted. Nothing appeared closed
because I opened the door to everything.
I freed slaves, left no one in bonds.
I spread my knowledge and love
and sowed my fruits in hearts, transforming them.
I blessed them. They lived.
I gathered and saved them.
They became the limbs of my body and I their mind.
Glory to the mind, you my lord and messiah.

Song 18

My heart was raised and magnified in the love of the highest one.
I wanted to celebrate his name.
My arms and legs were made powerful
that they might not fall from his power.
He healed my bodily sickness.
His will was firm as his kingdom.
O lord, that I may help the weak,
let me keep your word. For their sake,
don't deny me your perfection.
Let the luminary not be conquered by darkness.
Let truth not fear the hands of falsehood.
Appoint me to victory. Your right hand is salvation.
Receive and preserve us who greet
temptation. In your mouth there is no falsehood,
no death, my god.
Your will is perfection.
Vanity you don't know, nor does it know you.
Error you don't know, not does it know you.
Ignorance appeared like the dust and scum of the sea.
The vain thought error great and pregnant with child.
The wise understood
and meditated unpolluted in their meditations.
They shared the mind of the lord.
They laughed at those in error.
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