The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

There is only one god and a godhead, but he
is in heaven. There is no likeness or image
of him.' Yet this is a shallow explanation
of the verse, 'Say, he is one god.' The words
also signify enormous anger.
May Iblis be far from you, from all Muslims
and believers. Jabir, for all the faithless
he is far and difficult, but for believers
he is near and plain. Believers know he is,
but the unbelievers see nothing there.

"When you worship what is not, it rejects
your worship. When something is not, the worship
is refused. As it is written, 'He rejects repentance
of the unbelievers.'^49 Jabir, for us
there is no room for what is not. Apart
from god as he's described, we see no other.
The high king is the spirit in the godhead.
In light he is the sun coming from god.
From realm to realm that light kisses light
all the way down into the holy seat
of the believers' brain, like rope or path.
When light and spirit fade, believers wed
the truth, and through the light return to body."


Jabir^50 said, "My lord, if you will, enlighten me.
Tell your servant the face, sense, and majesty
of holy realms, of light joining realm to realm."
Baqir said, "First comes the curtain of eternity
on the white sea and the form of the high king.
Muhammad, Ali, Fatima, Hasan, and Husayn
are of this realm, finished by Abu Talib

  1. Qur'an sura 9.

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