The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

The second is
you recognize the proper imams and holy
and enlightened ones who know,^155 and learn
from them about my knowledge and my nature;
witness the deity with their words and spirit.
"Third is that all of you must become brothers
and sisters to each other, and not withhold
your life or limb; give up possessions, wealth,
and blood for our religion and believers.
Hold to religion and your worldly life
in proper order, and never choose the ways
of evil and of violence—neither in public
nor in your heart share food and sustenance
or time with them. Witness the deity
and spirit and be as friendly as you can,
so fellowship is real because you testify.
'Believers are brothers.'^156 These three conditions
are triple witness to the exalted king:
one to the prophets, one to right imams,
and one to brothers and sisters who keep faith.
"The fourth is that you must not live by profit
and worldly fancy. Do not indulge desires.
When you've fulfilled these three conditions I
assign you, I will grant you one last pleasure:
I'll pardon you and give you back eternal
paradise. As it is written, 'But the believers
who do what's right will go into gardens
whose hollows are filled with flowing streams, and stay
forever.'^157 And elsewhere it says, 'He must
behave with honor,'^158 and elsewhere it reads,
'those of good works.'^159 If you keep my covenant,

  1. Gnostics?

  2. Qur'an sura 49.

  3. Qur'an sura 4.

  4. Qur'an sura 18.

  5. Qur'an sura 18.

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