The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

I also will. Be dutiful to me
and I will do my duty toward you.'"^160


Then Jabir said, "My lord, when will the spirit
and heart be saved?"
Baqir answered, "A spirit
of conviction living in the heart is witness
to divinity and leaves the heart and goes
into the brain, if it has witnessed clearly.
And even after worship from the highest
heaven and from the earth, it won't accept
anything but witnessing described as just
in Muhammad's Qur'an,^162 a testimony
for current imams, whose appearance is
the paradise of the exalted king.
"Their speech provides the gate to paradise,
the place of Salman, and the site where orphans
bow and where seven angels say their prayers,
the realm of the Naqib, the palace of the Najib,
the dome of Adam and the ark of Noah,
the priestly robes of Abraham, the tablets
of Moses, the summit of Jesus, and the throne
where Muhammad the chosen lives, along
with the thirty-legged footstool of Ali,
the prince of the believers, and the garden
of Fatima, and paradise of Hasan and Husayn,
the bridge of the believers. They make up
the refuge of the cherubim, the spheres
of beings of light, direction of the prayer
of spiritual beings. The high king said,

  1. Qur'an sura 2.

  2. These final passages, perhaps an addition to the Mother of Books, describe how a person is
    liberated from the body and comes to wisdom, knowledge, and perfection.

  3. Qur'an sura 18.

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