The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

of the high king? When the inspired who know
sit on the carpet of the great lord, the curtain
of light is raised and your students testify.
Where does this secret knowledge^165 come from?"
Baqir answered, "Get away from bad students^166
as from the avarice of those who know."^167
Jabir said, "My lord, explain to your low servant."
Baqir said, "Be careful. These words are difficult.
By Muhammad and the glorified, by Ali
the highest, these are words not written in
a book. One keeps them secret. Jabir, if
the right imam and the inspired who knows
reveals the truth to students, the pupil
would not accept it and the heart's spirit
could not absorb it. The speaking spirit
of life is all alone. Then at the bidding
of the high king, with the purpose and will
of the imam, a spirit of lightning color
will come down from the blue dome and enter
the student's brain and spirit of the heart.
The spirit of the heart believes in glory
and words of one who knows and testifies
in truth of the convinced. At the will of the
high king, the shining spirit descends from
the moon-colored curtain and searches out
the tested spirit, speaker for the teacher.
The spirit of the heart of students hears
this word and testifies to godliness
of one who knows, but his rank is incapable
of holding the word in his memory.^168
"Then by the will of one who knows, the spirit
of retention descends from the sun-colored

  1. Gnosis?

  2. Or "disciples."

  3. Gnostics?

  4. Literally, "monastery and sanctuary."

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