The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

I do not wish you to turn east and west
to say your prayer. The eternal god prefers
you turn to the good imams and believe
in their prophetic light, in every show
of light, and every palace, realm, aeon,
and cycle, each location of the deity,
the kingdom, the great lord, the glory and
eternity of godliness, the light,
spirit, humanity, the flesh, and imam.

"Everywhere you must testify to him
and sacrifice possessions, blood, and power
to build a dam to hold back death and need,
hunger and poverty, grave sicknesses
and all the world's catastrophes. What happens
to you in any form, be patient; suffer it.
In all things fear judgment, try to grow nearer to god,
and be on guard against this awful world.
Have faith. And thus you fulfill god's word,
'Goodness does not require you to turn
your face to east or west. It asks you to believe
in god and the last day, the angels, scripture,
and prophets.'^163 The last day is a great day.
Believe in these words and believe in light
of the high king's regent, Salman, who is
the word of god. For everything in heaven
and on the earth is also in the word of god,
and nothing on dry land or in the sea
is not part of his word, 'and there is nothing,
wet or dry, not recorded in his word.'"^164


Then labir said, "My lord, is the final testimony
from us or from the will and glory

  1. Qur'an sura 2.

  2. Qur'an sura 6.

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