The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

Adonis Lover of Aphrodite and a young man who dies and rises. Adonis means "lord" in
Semitic languages; see ADON. Referred to in the Naassene Sermon.
Aeon Eternal realm. As an eternal realm, an aeon is an emanation of the divine in gnostic
texts, and a ruling entity in the pleroma. Sometimes the realms of the demiurge below
are also called aeons, but they are poor imitations of the eternal realms above.
Afterthought Greek epinoia, which can be translated "thought, intelligence, creativity."
Emanation of the divine and a heavenly aeon closely connected to Sophia in Sethian
texts. Afterthought is called life (Zoe) and is sent as a revealer to enlighten Adam in the
Secret Book of John.
Ahriman Evil god in Zoroastrianism, a name for Azazi'il in the Mother of Books. See also
Albanenses Name for absolute dualists in Cathar religion. Referred to in the Gospel of the
Great Supper.
Albi City and Cathar center in Languedoc, southwestern France. The Albigensian Cru-
sade, declared by Pope Innocent III in 1201 to exterminate the Cathars, takes its name
from Albi, which became synonymous with the Cathars.
Ali Cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad the prophet, martyr of Shi'ite Islam, figure of
the divine realm of five in the Mother of Books.
All Or the all, the entirety, the universe. "All" may refer to the totality of the divine realm,
the pleroma.
Allahu akbar Arabic, "god is great," an acclamation of the greatness of Allah. Referred to in
the Mother of Books.
Anasses Duses Name addressed to the revealer Derdekeas in the Paraphrase of Shem. It
probably derives from the Greek words for "rising" (or "east") and "setting" (or "west"),
to indicate the rising and setting of the light.
Androgyny State of being male-female, with complete sexual identity. According to early
traditions Adam was created as an androgynous human, and gnostic traditions de-
scribe numerous powers as androgynous. Gospel of Thomas 22 proclaims androgyny
as salvific union. See HERMAPHRODITE.
Anointed one Messiah, Christ (Greek christos). One who has been anointed with oil, liter-
ally or metaphorically, and thus has been given a special place of prominence. Some
early followers of Jesus saw him as the messiah, the anointed one of god, hence the
phrase Jesus (the) Christ or Jesus the messiah. In the Gospel of Philip chrism, or
anointing with oil, is considered one of five sacraments. Anointing with oil is still prac-
ticed in some Christian churches, often as a sacrament, to the present day.
Anosh Heavenly Enosh, a messenger of light, in Mandaean thought. Enosh means "per-
son" or "humankind." In Genesis Enosh is described as the son of Seth, and it is said
that at this time people began to call on god's name.
Aphrodite Goddess of love in Greek mythology. Referred to in the Book of Baruch, the Ex-
egesis on the Soul, and the Naassene Sermon.
Archigenitor Chief creator of this world as in the Three Forms of First Thought.
Archon Ruler, especially an angelic ruler of this world, in the entourage of the chief ar-
chon, the demiurge.
Arhat Ideal figure, saint, in Theravada Buddhism, referred to in the Great Song to Mani.
Ariael Name of the demiurge or creator of the world in On the Origin of the World. The

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