The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

Secret Book of John. The seventh or hebdomad refers to the realm of the planetary
spheres, over which the demiurge is stationed.
Seventy-two Or seventy, the traditional number of nations and languages in the whole
world. The title of the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, means
"seventy," for the number of translators. Since seventy is seven times ten, see SEVEN for
the symbolism of seventy. Since seventy-two is six times twelve, see six and TWELVE.
Sexual organs In the Exegesis on the Soul, the soul is described as a female who has an ex-
ternal womb and is seduced and defiled by wanton males. In the Paraphrase of Shem
the cosmogonic drama is depicted in graphically sexual terms as an orgy of cosmic
sexuality. Nature is described as womb, hymen, vagina, and afterbirth, the demons are
described with penises, and the sexual activities include rubbing, masturbation, inter-
course, and the production of bestial offspring. Sexuality also plays a significant role in
Mandaean, Manichaean, and neomanichaean texts.
Shamish Sun, an evil power identified with Adonai the Jewish god, in Mandaean thought.
Shem Son of Noah and legendary father of Semites. Referred to in the Revelation of Adam
(as Sem) and the Paraphrase of Shem (as Seem).
Shi'a "Party" of Ali, Shi'ites, within Islam. Shi'ites look for leadership in the Islamic com-
munity to come from the descendants of prophet Muhammad, who are legitimated
by Allah.
Shkina Heavenly home, eternal realm, aeon of uthras and light beings, in Mandaean
thought. Shkina derives from shekhinah, Hebrew for "dwelling, presence, glory."
Silence Expression of the transcendence of the divine in mystical traditions. In the Secret
Book of John, for instance, the divine invisible spirit is said to be ineffable, "dwelling in
silence, at rest, before everything." Silence is an aeon in the Valentinian pleroma.
Simon Magus First-century Samaritan religious teacher claimed by heresiologists to be
the founder of gnosticism. Simon Magus seems to have designated himself the great
power of god, and he associated with a woman named Helena, whom he called first
thought. He is portrayed as a mere magician in the Acts of the Apostles and the Acts
of Peter.
Simon of Cyrene In the New Testament gospels, Simon of Cyrene carried the cross of
Jesus to the place of crucifixion. In the Second Treatise of the Great Seth, Simon is
also said to have carried the cross, and "another" (either Simon or the body that Jesus
adopted) was crucified instead of Jesus. According to Irenaeus of Lyon, Basilides
taught that Simon of Cyrene was mistakenly crucified in place of Jesus. According to
the Qur'an, sura 4, Jesus only appeared to be crucified, and another may have been
crucified instead.
Sin Moon, an evil power, in Mandaean thought.
Siniawis Underworld, in Mandaean thought. See HADES.
Sitil Heavenly Seth, a messenger of light, in Mandaean thought.
Six Number of incompleteness, used as a numerical symbol for matter in Herakleon's
Commentary on John.
Sodom City near the Dead Sea. In Genesis Sodom is punished for wickedness with de-
struction by fire and brimstone. In the Paraphrase of Shem Sodom is praised for its
gnostic inhabitants.

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