Handbook of the Sociology of Religion

(WallPaper) #1

474 Index

faith-based social justice organizing, 9, 13,
319, 387–8; and immigrants, 232; around
the world, 388–9; in the U. S., 389–93;
contributions of to democracy, 393–7;
weaknesses of, 397–8; role of religion in,
398–9; in Mexican border communities,
Falun Gong: violence against, 52, 377
Falwell, Jerry, 19, 304, 328
family: as anchoring schema of
congregational rhetoric and practice,
165–6, 169–178; in recent studies, 166–7;
tensions between rhetoric and programs
for at congregational level, 169–78
Fellowship of Reconciliation, 319, 328
feminism: current literature on, 9, 12, 276–9;
and religion and the body, 284; goddess
religions, 284–5; and feminist theory,
285–6.See alsowomen; gender; Smith,
Fenton, John Y., 228
Fields, Karen, 94, 228
Finke, Roger, 11; on education and religious
choices, 161
Finney, Charles, 128
Fishman, Sylvia Barack, 255
France: evolution of sociology of religion in,
Freeman, Walter, 35, 36, 38
Frehill, Lisa M., 283
Freire, Paolo, 388
Frend, W. H., 373
Freston, P.: on Pentecostalism, 72–3
Freud, Sigmund: and religious skepticism, 6
Fukuyama, Francis, 350
fundamentalism, 10; ideal type of, 73–4; in
typology of religious identity, 146–7; and
civil society, 352
Furstenberg, Frank, 167

Gamson, William A., 317, 404
Garcia, Alma M., 404
Garfinkel, Harold: and identity, 210
gender, 12, 292–3; and theory in research on,
22–3; and religious participation, 64; and
religious socialization, 163; and Orthodox
Jews, 249–51; and critiques of androcentric
biases, 279; as a variable, 280; and
American Jews, 281–2
Genia, Vicky, 144

George, Linda: on impact of religion on
health, 191
Gerami, Shahin, 283
Gerard, Susan E., 281
Gilkes, Cheryl Townsend, 290–1
Gill, Anthony, 107
Girard, Rene, 364, 364–5 ́
Glass, Jennifer: on children’s influence on
parents, 156
Glazer, Nathan, 258
Glick-Schiller, Nina: and transnational
religious ties, 236
Goffman, Erving: on ritual, 32, 34, 40; on
identity, 210
Goldbourt, U.: and impact of religion on
health, 196
Goldman, Marion S., 282
Goldstone, Jack, 362
Gordon, Milton M., 258
Gorski, Philip, 11, 14
Greeley, Andrew M., 182; on influence of
education on religious choices, 161
Greenblum, Joseph, 258, 259
Greenslade, Helen, 406–7
Griffith, Marie, 281
Gurr, Ted, 363
Guth, James, 280

Habermas, Jurgen, 5, 330
Hadaway, C. Kirk: on church attendance, 86,
88, 89
Haddad, Yvonne Yazbeck, 228
halakhah, 241
Hall, David, 261
Hall, John, 9, 13, 378
Hamberg, Eva, 69
Hamm, Thomas D.: on Quakers, 340
Hammond, Philip: and spiritualism, 143; on
religious identities, 207
Hardy-Fanta, Carol, 402, 405
Hare Krishna, 51
Hart, Stephen, 395
Hartman, Harriet, 281
Hartman, Moshe, 281
health, 9, 12; impact of religion on, 190–1,
194–204.See alsodepression
Heaven’s Gate cult, 369
Heelas, Paul, 71
hegemony: as supported by civility, 352
Heilman, Samuel C., 263
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