Index 475
Herberg, Will: on ecumenicalism, 165
Herman, Simon N., 257
Herrera, Marina: and Latina history, 401
Hertzberg, Arthur, 241
Hervieu-L ́eger, Daniele, 147
Hewitt, John: on identity, 209
Higginbotham, Evelyn Brooks, 413
Himmelstein, Jerome L., 336
Hinduism, 341; historic differentiation of, 47,
48, 50; and Sihkism, 51
Hirschman, Charles: and polarization of
public discourse, 332
Hispanics.Seewomen: Latina
historical research perspective, 10, 11
Hochschild, Arlie, 172
Horowitz, Bethamie, 242, 263
Hout, Michael, 11, 182; on influence of
education on religious choices, 161
Howell, Julia Day, 282
human capital: and religious preferences,
Hummer, R. A., 82; and impact of religion on
health, 195–6
Hunduism: as individualistic, 344
Hunter, James D.: and culture war, 332
identity, 6, 9, 11, 12; as sensitizing concept,
22; as problem of agency and structure,
211–12; as narrative construction, 213–15;
ingredients for understanding, 215–16;
locating and constructing religious
identities, 216–17, 222–4; religious
narratives of, 217–220, 220–222.See
alsoethnic identity; Jewish identity
Idler, Ellen: on impact of religion on health,
immigrants: religion as supporting, 14, 73;
historical context, 225–8; recent research
on religion and, 228–230; religion and
incorporation of into American society,
232, 237–8, 238–9; in congregations,
232–4, 238; second generation, 234–5;
and transnational religious ties, 236–7,
238; need for future research on, 237–9.
See alsoethnicity; women: role and
status in immigrant religious
India: and anticolonial violence, 374
individualism, 344: as sensitizing concept, 22;
in civil society, 350–1
inequality, 13; and religion as emancipatory
resource, 8–9
institutional ethnography, 286, 287
intermarriage: and changes in religious
affiliation, 157; as threat to Judaism, 254–6
International Society for Krishna
Consciousness, 51
intersectionality paradigm, 288
Iranian revolution, 18
Isaacson, Lynne, 282
Islam: historic differentiation of, 48, 50; and
women, 283; and violence, 376
Israel: and mortality and religion study, 196;
Jewish identity in, 242–3, 247–9
Jackman, Mary: on violence, 361, 365
Jacobs, Janet L., 281
James, William, 144
Jehovah’s Witnesses, 51; violence against, 377
Jenkins, Brian, 362
Jewish identity, 208, 240–1, 258–60, 261–3;
history of, 241; conceptualization of, 242;
and group identification, 242–3;
measurement of, 244–6; postmodern
instability of, 246–7; sources of in US and
Israel, 247–9; gender and, 249–51; and
religiosity of American and Israeli Jews,
251–4; and intermarriage, 254–6; and
denominations, 256–8, 274–5; of
moderately affiliated, 264–5; of
non-observant, 265–6; as ethnic culture,
266–7, 269, 271–5; as genic, 267–70.See
Jews, 12; and synagogue attendance, 251–4;
secular, 242–3
Johnson, Carson D.: on influence of education
on religious choices, 161
Jones, Jim: and mass suicide, 18, 365, 378
Judaism, 340; historic differentiation of, 48;
and gender, 281–2
Jurgensmeyer, Mark, 362, 372, 380
Jung, Carl, 183
Kaplan, Marian: on impact of religion on
health, 194
Kashima, Tetsuden, 228
Kasinitz, Philip, 235
Katzenstein, Mary, 282
Kaufman, Deborah, 281
Kertzer, David, 318