Index 477
Minow, Martha: and identity, 212
Mische, Ann: and agency, 212
Moaddel, Mansoor, 283
mobilization: as sensitizing concept, 22
modernization theory, 9, 18, 19, 71, 97; and
individual moral authority, 334–5, 336,
343.See alsosecularization
moral order: religious groups analyzed in
terms of, 336–41; and religious pluralism,
343–6; as multidimensional, 346–7
Moral Majority, 304
morality: and ideology, 13
Mormons.SeeChurch of Jesus Christ of the
Latter-Day Saints
movement: as sensitizing concept, 22; culture,
316, 317–18
Moynihan, Daniel P., 258
Mullins, Mark, 229
Murphy, P. E., 192
Myers, Scott: and parental influence on
religious choices, 155
Nam, C. B.: and impact of religion on health,
Namier, Lewis, 373
narrative: in construction of identity, 213–15,
Nason-Clark, Nancy, 289–90
nationalism, 13; role of rhythmic ritual in,
42–3; religion as factor in, 48; and civil
religion, 357
Native Americans: spirituality of differentiated
from religion, 52
Neitz, Mary Jo, 12–13, 98, 285; on conversion
and charismatic Catholics, 208–9, 221
neoinstitutional theory, 123; and study of
congregations, 23; role of culture in,
129–30; weaknesses of application to
religion, 130–3
neopagan cults: shock value of, 154.See also
Nettl, Bruno, 35
Neuhaus, Richard, 355
new paradigm.Seerational choice theory
New Age: as religious movement, 57
Niebuhr, H. Richard: and church-sect
typology, 125, 126
normative issues: in sociology of religion,
normativity, 26–7; compared with empirical
questions, 7
Numrich, Paul, 227, 228; and American
Buddhists, 345
Olson, Laura, 280
Operation Rescue, 318, 325
ordination: of women.Seeclergy: women as
Orsi, Robert, 144, 228, 261, 274
Orthodox Jews: impact of feminism on, 250–1.
See alsoJewish identity: denominations
Pacific Institute for Community Organization
(PICO), 385–7, 391
Palmer, Susan, 282
Pardo, Mary, 402, 404, 406
Pareto, Vilfredo, 363
Park, Robert E., 258
parochial education, 161
Parsons, Talcott: contributions of to sociology
of religion, 66
patriarchy: in evangelical ideology, 166–7,
169–71, 172; Latinas’ subversion of, 309
Pattillo-McCoy, Mary: and social movements,
Pax Christi, 319
Paxton, Pamela, 351
Pentecostalism, 10, 14, 94, 340; as
transnational phenomenon, 71, 72.See
Pentecostals, Black: image of as otherworldly,
412; and activism, 414–22
Pena, Milagros, 13, 283, 291–2 ̃
Pettersson, Thorleif, 69
Philippines: faith-based social justice
organizing in, 389
Phillips, Bruce A., 245
pluralism: in new paradigm, 98–9; in religious
economy model, 100–1, 104–6, 113; in
sociopolitical conflict model, 116–17; and
legitimation of alternative family schema,
166; as result of schisms, 126; in moral
order, 343–6; as challenge to civil religion,
polarization: as undermining democracy, 395
politics, 9, 14, 297–8, 313–14: boundary
between religion and, 51; and politicized
religion, 55–6, 59–60; religion and voting
behavior, 298–301; U. S. religion and,
301–9; western European religion and,
Portes, Alejandro: on assimilation, 345
Portillo, Cesar, 386