Handbook of the Sociology of Religion

(WallPaper) #1

476 Index

Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, 18
Kivisto, Peter A., 226
Kniss, Fred, 13, 370
Knox, Ronald, 368–9, 373
Koenig, Harold: on impact of religion on
health, 191, 196
Konieczny, Mary Ellen, 280
Korea: faith-based social justice organizing in,
Kuhn, Manford H., 242
Kumaris, Brahma, 282
Kurien, Prema: on collective moral authority,

Lakoff, George, 177
Lambert, Frank, 128
language: origins of 32–5, 36–7
Lanternari, Vittorio, 374
Larson, David: on impact of religion on
health, 191
law and justice, 13, 14
Layman, Geoffrey C., 306
Lazerwitz, Bernard, 12, 244
Le Bras, Gabriel, 67
Lehnerer, Melodye, 283
Levitt, Peggy: and transnational religious ties,
Lewin, Kurt, 243
Lewis-Beck, Michael, 313
Lewy, Guenter, 373
liberation theology, 59, 72.See alsofaith-based
social justice organizing
libertarianism: and moral project, 335, 336
Liebman, Robert C., 126
Liebman, Charles, 247
life course research, 9, 10, 181
Lifton, Robert Jay, 141
Lin, Irene, 228
Lincoln, C. Eric, 413
Lipset, Seymour Martin, 244, 309, 350
Luckmann, Thomas, 59; contributions to
sociology of religion, 66; and identity, 210
Lummis, Adair T., 229

MacIntyre, Alasdair: and reflexivity, 145
Maffesoli, Michel, and identity, 210–11
Maffy-Kipp, L. E., 225
Mamiya, Lawrence H., 413
Mann, Horace, 105–6
Manning, Christel, 281, 282
Mansbridge, Jane: on feminism, 277–8

Manville, Julie, 280–1
Manza, Jeff, 8, 13
Marcum, John P.: on church attendance, 89
Marler, Penny Long: on church attendance,
Martin, David, 116; on Pentecostalism, 73, 75;
on growth of evangelical Protestantism in
Latin America, 106
Marty, Martin E.: and public/private split in
religion, 332–3
martyrdom, 378–9.See alsoJones, Jim
Marx, Karl, 17, 21, 96; and religious
skepticism, 6, 7, 17; contributions to
sociology of religion, 62–3; and
secularization theory, 111
mass media, 10
Massey, Douglas, 4
material culture: in sociology of religion, 26
Mauss, Marcel: and ritual, 39
McCarthy, John: and social movements
defined, 151–2
McCullough, Michael, 12, 82
McFadden, Susan, 184
McKinney, William: on new voluntarism, 141
McLeod, Hugh, 116
McNeill, William: on rhythmic ritual and
bonding, 41–2
McPartland, Thomas S., 242
McRoberts, Omar, 14
Mead, George Herbert: and identity
construction, 213
Mead, Sidney, 104
Medalie, J. H.: and impact of religion on
health, 196
Medding, P. Y., 255
Medina, Lara, 405
Mennonites, 338; and intragroup conflict,
341; as conscientious objectors, 342–3; and
conflict between religions, 370
mental health.Seedepression
Mercer, Calvin, 280
Methodists, 128
methodology: observation-based, 10;
quantitative and qualitative in sociology of
religion, 24–5; demographic terms defined,
80–1; demography and religious research,
82–3; lack of demographic data on religion,
Meyer, Katherine, 283
minority groups, 64.See alsorace; immigrants
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