Religion in India: A Historical Introduction

(WallPaper) #1

5 The Post-classical Period

South India

The emergence of temples
The Co ̄l

Deities as reflections of cultural history
Philosophical developments
S ́aiva Siddha ̄ nta

North India
Temple construction
The rise of the goddesses to “high deity” status
Buddhism and Jainism
Recommended reading

South India

Up until now, the accounts of historical developments in religion have been
focused on the northern part of the subcontinent, and especially in the
Gangetic basin. We turn our attention now to South India which provides
us many windows into the development of religion in the post-classical
period. For one thing, we have, in the south, documentation and resources
that help us understand the nature of religion and culture prior to the
“brahmanical synthesis.” The processes of brahmanization can be traced with
some clarity. Not least important, the deep South became, arguably, the
major center of “Hindu” civilization from the eighth through the fifteenth

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