Dune Screenplay
Golden Rev. (06/12/20) 100. 128 EXT. DESERT - DAY 128 The ornithopter skips across the sand, struts breaking, wings crumpling, a ...
Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020) 101. 129 EXT. ROCK RIDGE - DAY 129 Paul and Jessica work their way along the rocky ridge, staying close ...
102. They run, heedless of the drum sand, raising an unholy thunder. The worm gaining on them. They run into sand, then into pea ...
Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020) 103. STILGAR (O.S.) Hold! The Attackers stop advancing. Stilgar walks out into the moonlight to face Pa ...
104. STILGAR What wealth can you offer beyond the water in your flesh? Stilgar clenches his jaw. He does know the law. He consid ...
105. She bears down on his neck until he cries out again. STILGAR Peace, woman! I judged hastily. The words send a superstitious ...
106. 132A EXT. ROCKY BASIN - NIGHT 132A Chani leaps lightly down the rocky slope to rejoin the others. Paul slides down behind h ...
Golden Rev. (06/12/20) 107. JAMIS (CONT'D) I accept her champion! 132B EXT. ROCKY BASIN - PRE-DAWN 132B The Fremen have cleared ...
Golden Rev. (06/12/20) 108. CHANI Yes? Paul considers telling her about his visions... Paul looks at Chani in the eyes. She is t ...
109. Kill or be killed. Paul swallows hard and comes on guard. The fighters clash again and again. Every time Paul proves untouc ...
Salmon Rev. (06/19/2020) 110. She looks at her son. Paul’s eyes flash in the light of the breaking day. His vision is clear. PAU ...
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