Ven. Acariya Mun - Spiritual Biography + photos

(Jacob Rumans) #1

together with him to go beyond dukkha. She complained that he
had made no effort to assist her so that she too could gain release
from suffering.
He tried to console her: “When two people eat food together
at the same table, inevitably one will be full before the other. It’s
not possible for both to be fully satiated at the same moment. Take
the case of the Lord Buddha and his former spouse, Yasodhara.
Although for many ages they had jointly developed goodness of all
kinds, the Lord Buddha was the first to transcend dukkha, return-
ing then to teach his former spouse so that later she also crossed
over to the other shore. You should consider this lesson carefully
and learn from it, instead of complaining about the person who’s
right now trying his best to find a way to help you. I am earnestly
searching for a means to help you cross over, yet you accuse me
of being heartless and irresponsible. Such thoughts are very inap-
propriate. They will merely increase the discomfort for both of us.
You should change your attitude, following the example of the
Lord Buddha’s former spouse – an excellent example for everyone,
and one giving rise to true happiness.
“My reason for meeting you is to assist you, not to drive you
away. I have always supported your development in Dhamma. To
say that I have abandoned you and no longer care for your welfare
is simply not true. My advice to you emanates from a heart whose
loving kindness and compassion are absolutely pure. If you follow
this advice, practicing it to the best of your ability, I will rejoice
in your progress. And should you receive completely satisfactory
results, I will rest contented in equanimity.^20
“Our original aspiration to achieve Buddhahood was made
for the express purpose of crossing beyond the cycle of rebirth.

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