Elementary Visual School Arts

(nextflipdebug5) #1
Post Assessment

Students will write on the back of their work describing their artwork in terms of
what elements of art they used.

Self assessment:
Evaluate your artwork with the checklist :
Did you use proper media techniques?
Did you work carefully and neatly?
Did you utilize the Elements of Art?
Did you balance your shapes, lines and colors?

Students will participate in a class critique of a famous work of art (mask)

Performance based (Teacher documents students who did or did not understand
the critique process)

Scoring Guides and Answer Keys

Engaging Learning Experiences
Learning Activities Using Text or Program Authentic Performance Tasks

Explorations in Art (Grade 3) : Keeping
Traditions: Studio Exploration, pp.169
(Critique Process)

Self-Assessment Worksheet
Did you use proper media techniques?
Did you work carefully and neatly?
Name the Elements of Art you used?

Self-Assessment Worksheet

Group Critique

Research-Based Effective Teaching

21 st Century Learning Skills

Check all that apply to the unit: Check all that apply to the unit:

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