Science - USA (2022-01-07)

(Antfer) #1




sity in the polar region with migrations of
diverse warmer-water species, while wiping
out less-diverse but distinct polar endemics.
This domino effect of species displace-
ments leads to the prediction that warm-
ing may reduce tropical diversity while
causing extinction for polar endemic spe-
cies (see the figure). Although the real-
ity is certainly far more complex, growing
evidence at multiple time scales suggests
that the broad brushstrokes of this simple
picture are correct. Indeed, warming-in-
duced tropical biodiversity losses have been
reported in modern marine biological rec-
ords ( 11 ), and they are largely consistent
with reports from paleobiology (12, 13).
Different areas of the tropics may re-
spond differently. Although the tropical
oceans contain the warmest and lowest O 2 -
containing waters, the two extremes are not
ubiquitous in all tropical oceans. The eastern
tropical Pacific may contain very low O 2 be-
low the surface but is relatively cool for the
tropics, allowing replacement with warmer-
water fishes. Such replacement may not be
possible on the other side of the tropical
Pacific, where the waters are warmer. In ad-
dition, this climate change–triggered loss of
tropical diversity may not be confined to the
oceans, as the exceedance of thermal toler-
ance on land is also projected to be the most
severe in the tropics ( 14 ). The climate-driven
reshuffling of the ecosystem structure will be
profound. The findings of Salvatteci et al. are
the latest addition to the emerging evidence
that a warmer future will alter ecological
communities in tropical oceans, which dis-
proportionally affect developing countries,
where the reliance on small-scale fishing is
especially high. j


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E ngineers point the way toward

more complex and homogeneous intestinal organoids


Setting boundaries

for tissue patterning

By T yler R. Huycke and Zev J. Gartner


he functional units of structure in the
small intestine are crypts and villi,
where compartmentalized zones of
stem, progenitor, and differentiated
cell types carry out essential roles in
tissue homeostasis, nutrient absorp-
tion, and barrier maintenance. These struc-
tures can be modeled in vitro by using organ-
oids that self-organize from isolated crypts
or intestinal stem cells (ISCs). However,
organoids suffer from heterogeneity in size,
geometric patterning, cell type composition,
and overall morphology, which impairs re-
producibility and limits their applications.
On page 40 of this issue, Gjorevski et al. ( 1 )
report the use of multiple bioengineering
strategies to generate more structurally com-
plex and reproducible intestinal organoids.
They find that tissue geometry instructs or-
ganoid self-organization into patterned crypt
and villus domains by influencing regional
differences in cell crowding and downstream
Yes-associated protein (YAP)–Notch signal-

ing. These findings add to evidence that tis-
sue structure is sufficient to specify cell state
and behavior.
To spatially control organoid crypt for-
mation, the authors use photochemistry to
pattern regions of soft and stiff extracellular
matrix (ECM) under the basal surface of the
epithelium. Organoids bud precisely in the
softened regions into crypt-like domains that
harbor ISCs and Paneth cells (secretory cells
located between ISCs), whereas the nonbud-
ding regions resemble villus-like domains
with differentiated absorptive cells. Gjorevski
et al. reasoned that altering substrate geom-
etry might act analogously to altering sub-
strate stiffness to pattern cell states within
the intestinal epithelium. To test this idea,
they use a microscale engineering approach
originally designed to study branching in
the mammary epithelium ( 2 ), which involves
seeding organoids in pill-shaped cavities
within a collagen hydrogel. They find that
ISCs localize to the curved ends of the cavi-
ties, whereas differentiated cells localize to
the flat sides. This demonstrates that simple

Tissue form

Cell state

Dierentiated cells

Paneth cells

amplifying cells

stem cells

Traditional intestinal

Stochastic cell patterning
in traditional organoids



Topographically defined

Deterministic cell



cell crowding
and YAP-Notch

Cell and
Paneth cell

YA P o n
Notch off

YA P off
Notch on



26 7 JANUARY 2022 • VOL 375 ISSUE 6576

Engineering intestinal organoids
Methods to engineer more complex and homogeneously patterned organoids reveal how cell patterning arises.
Key parameters in defining cell state are differential cell crowding and Yes-associated protein (YAP)–Notch
signaling. A dynamic reciprocity exists between tissue geometry and cell state that patterns intestinal organoids.
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