Modern German Grammar: A Practical Guide, Second Edition

(Rick Simeone) #1

 For the order of adverbials in a sentence or clause, see^11.

The wo + preposition words and the da + preposition words stand in a relationship of
question answer.

Worüber haben sie sich unterhalten? (What did they talk about?)
Über die Baustelle. (About the building site.)
Darüber, dass die Baustelle so viel Lärm verursacht. (About the fact
that the building site creates so much noise.)

 See 42.3e (p. 114).

Darüber! (pointing to the building site)

Note also darum, corresponding to warum (why?), as well as worum (about what):

Wo r u m geht es? (What’s it about?)
Darum. (About that!)
Wa r u m? (Why?)
Darum! (Because!)

Darum also sometimes has the meaning ‘for this reason’:

Darum wollte ich ja nicht hingehen.
That’s the reason why I didn’t want to go.

 See also^32 (p. 58), 38.2 (p. 93) and 42.3e (p. 114).

51 Comparison of adverbs

51.1 The comparative of adverbs is essentially the same as that of adjectives (see 105 ):

schnell ‘quickly/fast’, schneller ‘more quickly/faster’
gut ‘well’, besser ‘better’
effizient ‘efficiently’, effizienter ‘more efficiently’

51.2 As with adjectives, ‘than’ in a comparison is expressed by als:

Horst behauptet, er habe seine Hausaufgaben besser als alle anderen
Horst claims he did his homework better than all the others.

 See 8.3 (p. 11) for use of als as a conjunction; see also 23.1c (p. 38).

51.3 The superlative form of the adverb is the same as that of the predicative adjective
( 43 and 48 ):

Sie läuft am schnellsten.
She runs the fastest.

In unsrer Familie spricht mein Vater Englisch am besten.
My father is the best English speaker in our family.

51.4 The superlative of adverbs can also be formed in other ways:

(a) Through the use of äußerst, höchst or möglichst:

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