Modern German Grammar: A Practical Guide, Second Edition

(Rick Simeone) #1

XIV Conveying attitudes and mental states

100 Asserting and denying the truth of something

100.1 Commenting on the truthfulness of something

Das ist ganz/völlig richtig/falsch. ‘That’s entirely correct/completely wrong.’
Das stimmt (eigentlich)./Das stimmt (eigentlich) nicht (ganz). ‘That is (in fact)
correct./That isn’t (really) (quite) correct.’
Das ist (wirklich)/(eigentlich) (nicht) wahr. ‘That’s (really)/(actually)(not) true.’
So ein (völliger) Unsinn/Blödsinn (very derogatory)/Schwachsinn! (probably
insulting) ‘(That’s) (total) nonsense/rubbish!’

A dictionary will provide further reference for expressions with:

wahr sein ‘to be true’
-e Wahrheit/Unwahrheit ‘truth/untruth’
gelogen ‘lied/a lie’
lügen ‘to lie’
-e Lüge ‘lie’

100.2 The most common way to express belief or disbelief involves jmdm. etw. glauben ‘to
believe (sb.) sth.’, and an jmdn./etw. glauben ‘to believe in sb./sth.’

 See^12 (pp. 17–18) for the order of noun and pronoun objects; and 42.3a–b (pp. 109–12)
for verb completion with one or two elements.

Ich glaube ihm seine Ausrede.
I believe (him) his pretext/excuse.

Wir glauben an Gott.
We believe in God.

Sie glaubt fest an sie.
She firmly believes in her.

Sie glaubt an seinen Erfolg.
She believes in his success.
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