A Treatise of Human Nature
BOOK I PART II There are many philosophers, who refuse to assign any standard of equality, but assert, that it is sufficient to ...
BOOK I PART II common, but in many cases certain and infal- lible. When the measure of a yard and that of a foot are presented, ...
BOOK I PART II before it appeared greater than another. Nor is this the only correction, which these judg- ments of our senses u ...
BOOK I PART II spond to each other, and to any common mea- sure, with which they are compared, we form a mixed notion of equalit ...
BOOK I PART II pearances and measuring are exactly corrected, and the figures reduced entirely to that propor- tion. This standa ...
BOOK I PART II sures, and their different degrees of exactness, have given as an obscure and implicit notion of a perfect and en ...
BOOK I PART II senses, than the distinction betwixt a curve and a right line; nor are there any ideas we more easily form than t ...
BOOK I PART II or right ones. But though we can give no per- fect definition of these lines, nor produce any very exact method o ...
BOOK I PART II ties of a right line, than a just deflation of it. For I ask any one, if upon mention of a right line he thinks n ...
BOOK I PART II the one can never afford us a perfect standard for the other. An exact idea can never be built on such as are loo ...
BOOK I PART II each other, and on the same plane; which is a description, that explains a thing by itself, and returns in a circ ...
BOOK I PART II supposition of any farther correction, it is of such-a-one as is either useless or imaginary. In vain should we h ...
BOOK I PART II vious principles? How can he prove to me, for instance, that two right lines cannot have one common segment? Or t ...
BOOK I PART II idea of a right line, to which this line does not agree. Do you therefore mean that it takes not the points in th ...
BOOK I PART II To whatever side mathematicians turn, this dilemma still meets them. If they judge of equality, or any other prop ...
BOOK I PART II This may open our eyes a little, and let us see, that no geometrical demonstration for the infinite divisibility ...
BOOK I PART II which are directly opposite in that particular. And as this absurdity is very glaring in itself, so there is no a ...
BOOK I PART II if upon the conception of their contact he can conceive them as touching in a mathematical point, or if he must n ...
BOOK I PART II the same time he acknowledges these ideas to be inseparable. ...
BOOK I PART II SECTIONV.The Same Subject Continued If the second part of my system be true, that the idea of space or extension ...
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