A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


phaenomena, indeed, may in part be accounted
for from other principles.

But here there occurs a considerable objec-
tion, which it will be necessary to examine
before we proceed any farther. I have en-
deavoured to prove, that power and riches, or
poverty and meanness; which give rise to love
or hatred, without producing any original plea-
sure or uneasiness; operate upon us by means
of a secondary sensation derived from a sym-
pathy with that pain or satisfaction, which they
produce in the person, who possesses them.
From a sympathy with his pleasure there arises
love; from that with his uneasiness, hatred. But
it is a maxim, which I have just now estab-
lished, and which is absolutely necessary to the
explication of the phaenomena of pity and mal-
ice, that it is not the present sensation or mo-

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