A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


court of judicature. In order, therefore, to im-
pose a due restraint on the female sex, we must
attach a peculiar degree of shame to their infi-
delity, above what arises merely from its injus-
tice, and must bestow proportionable praises
on their chastity.

But though this be a very strong motive to fi-
delity, our philosopher would quickly discover,
that it would not alone be sufficient to that pur-
pose. All human creatures, especially of the
female sex, are apt to over-look remote mo-
tives in favour of any present temptation: The
temptation is here the strongest imaginable: Its
approaches are insensible and seducing: And
a woman easily finds, or flatters herself she
shall find, certain means of securing her repu-
tation, and preventing all the pernicious conse-
quences of her pleasures. It is necessary, there-

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