A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


of his body. Here it is certain, the imagination
spreads out the whole figure. I give him a head
and shoulders, and breast and neck. These
members I conceive and believe him to be pos-
sessed of. Nothing can be more evident, than
that this whole operation is performed by the
thought or imagination alone. The transition is
immediate. The ideas presently strike us. Their
customary connexion with the present impres-
sion, varies them and modifies them in a cer-
tain manner, but produces no act of the mind,
distinct from this peculiarity of conception. Let
any one examine his own mind, and he will ev-
idently find this to be the truth.

Secondly, Whatever may be the case, with re-
gard to this distinct impression, it must be al-
lowed, that the mind has a firmer hold, or more
steady conception of what it takes to be matter

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