A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


every thing, must at the very same instant be
modifyed into forms, which are contrary and
incompatible. The round and square figures
are incompatible in the same substance at the
same time. How then is it possible, that the
same substance can at once be modifyed into
that square table, and into this round one? I
ask the same question concerning the impres-
sions of these tables; and find that the answer
is no more satisfactory in one case than in the

It appears, then, that to whatever side we
turn, the same difficulties follow us, and that
we cannot advance one step towards the estab-
lishing the simplicity and immateriality o the
soul, without preparing the way for a danger-
ous and irrecoverable atheism. It is the same
case, if instead o calling thought a modification

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