A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


any inanimate object, which bears a relation to
us, it is no wonder we are vain of the qualities
of those, who are connected with us by blood
or friendship. Accordingly we find, that the
very same qualities, which in ourselves pro-
duce pride, produce also in a lesser degree the
same affection, when discovered in persons re-
lated to us. The beauty, address, merit, credit
and honours of their kindred are carefully dis-
played by the proud, as some of their most con-
siderable sources of their vanity.

As we are proud of riches in ourselves, so
to satisfy our vanity we desire that every one,
who has any connexion with us, should like-
wise be possest of them, and are ashamed of
any one, that is mean or poor, among our
friends and relations. For this reason we re-
move the poor as far from us as possible; and

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