A Treatise of Human Nature

(Jeff_L) #1


present experiment we find the same property
of the impressions. Two different degrees of
the same passion are surely related together;
but if the smaller be first present, it has little or
no tendency to introduce the greater; and that
because the addition of the great to the little,
produces a more sensible alteration on the tem-
per, than the addition of the little to the great.
These phaenomena, when duly weighed, will
be found convincing proofs of this hypothesis.

And these proofs will be confirmed, if we
consider the manner in which the mind here
reconciles the contradiction, I have observed
betwixt the passions and the imagination. The
fancy passes with more facility from the less
to the greater, than from the greater to the
less: But on the contrary a violent passion
produces more easily a feeble, than that does

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