(Chris Devlin) #1

l~. 0 you whom we visit every year

  1. 0 Lord who is the leader of the QKDIRIYYAH ranks

  2. 0 sun of the saints that spreads the faith

  3. 0 Sufi who has been sent to all those who are patient

17. 0 cloud of knowledge which illuminates the land

l~. 0 luminous moon which is faithfully pursued

19. 0 shaikh who seizes the evildoer, and under whose shade

we sit

20. 0 prop of the Muslims and worshipper of God

21. 0 you who are advanced in the zeal for knowledge

  1. 0 judge of the Muslims for whom we always call

  2. 0 you who are the meeting [point] of the sincere believers

and who opened a treasure to us

24. 0 victory of the Muslims who has opened our hearts for us

25. 0 honey of love who has pleased us

  1. 0 you who are likened to the new moon, and who illuminated

the Faith

  1. 0 saint whom we have invoked and who has brought the first

daylight to us

2~. 0 grace of the Muslims whose path we have taken
2~. 0 you who persevered in the recitation of the Quran

  1. 0 you towards whom we run whenever we hear of confusion
    3i. 0 God, in the name of the saint, lighten our plight

o Lord, may blessings be upon the master of mankind

And the people of his house, and his companions, and

the lords of the QURAYSH.
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