Adigaa tijaaroon ku tuugnayee, taaj Awliyow
taageer na s i i.!
You are rich and we beg you: 0 crown of the
saints, grant us help ~
(Text 17/4)
24.3 •
The umbrella, though not a traditional Somali artifact,
is not unknown even in the pastoral interior, and in the
Sufi poetry in Somali symbolizes protection against danger
or hardship:
Dalladdaaduu hadhsandoonaa, rrln dariiqaaga jidaystaa
The man who follows your path will be sheltered under
your umbrella
(Text 18/18)
Sometimes even the invention of modern age can supply
Somali Sufi poetry with images. In the following line we
see an unusual blending of tradition with modernity, where
the aeroplane symbolizes great speed and ease of trans-
porta tion:.
Dayuuradda Awliyada jidka nagu dul mariyay
May the aeroplane of the saints fly us over
. the path [of ~IRATJ
(Text 5/46)
Very often in the Sufi poetry in Somali abstract
concepts are used as eulogistic epithets applied to the
Prophet and the saint~. Thus, for example, a poet addresses
Sheekh Suufi, the celebrated saint of Muqdisho:.
Raxmadda Rabbi uunka 100 rarayow, rugtaada nin
yimi rafaad ka bax
o mercy of God, which has been despatched to the