(Chris Devlin) #1

JAMACAH (ZAWIYAH):. a Sufi community; a Sufi centre.

KA.RAMAH:. the manifestation by ALLAH of generosity,

favour, protection, help towards anyone. In a special

sense, it means the miraculous gifts and graces with
which God surrounds, protects and aids His saints.
KHALIFAH: successor. In Sufism, the term designates the

representative of a Sufi Order.

KHALAWAH: spiritual retreat.
lvIADlIj: praise poems to God, to the Prophet, or to the saints.
MA.QAM: station; In Sufism, MAQAM denotes an exalted and

permanent position in which the devotee ascends to a

new level of consciousness.

MU:)ADHDHIN: a Caller to Prayer.

NAFS: (pl. NUFUS), soul; life; human conscience.
QIBLAH: the direction towards Mecca to which all Muslims
must pray.
QUTB: the pole of a spiritual hierarchy; the highest rank

in Sufism.

RAI;IIv'lATUN LIL cALAMIN: an epi thet applied to the Prophet which

means 'mercy to the univers~'.
SILSILAH: chain; spiritual descent from the Prophet.

SHARlcAH: the Law, including both the teachings of the Quran

and the sayings of the Prophe~.
SULUK: the methods and manners of Sufi Order~.
TARIQAH: the Way; the spiritual path; a Sufi Order.
TA$AWWUF: Sufism, the mystical tradition of Islam.
TAWBAH:. repentance.
WARAc: abstentio·n.
WIRD: the litanies of a Sufi Order which are usually recited

at night.

zurID: asceticisni; renunciation of the pleasurable world.
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