(Chris Devlin) #1

He who is not wicked; shameful deeds are


He who does not inveigh against you without

And who shows respect and restraint towards you
He who spreads goodness evenly among all sons
of Adam
He who does not favour those to whom he is
close in genealogical descent
He who does not sow dissension amongst the
slaves of God
He who holds his peace and is silent when evil
words are spoken to him

He who does not bring trouble to those with

whom he stays
He who does not cut open again the stomach of
an inflammatory issue

And who does not tremble with excitement at the

prospect of profit and food
And he who does not eat to the last morsel the
dish placed before him

And who does not gorge himself like a glutton

gobbling food

He who does not threaten others with violence,

endangering his own house

He who does not conceal .his pot of huttermilk

And he who does not secrete his skin bag of ghee

in the innermost part of his house

He who received a favour and who recognized it

And who will do you a favour as long as the world

retains its scent

And he who does not know ingratitude, is he not

worthy of respect?
(Somali Poetry, Poem 7, Lines 37-54)

In addition, Salaan Carabey, the accomplished poet and


traveller, who speaks on the subject of sincerity cautions
against falsehoods and misrepresentations of truth in poetry:

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