(Chris Devlin) #1
Mar baan ahay muftiga sheekhnimo, mawlaca u

Sometimes I am like a mufti who because of his

piety goes into a secluded niche

In the following lines, the wi~dom of the poet's beloved
is likened to that of a learned shaikh:
Wax an kugu masaalaa
Sida sheekh muftiya 00

Diinta ba u madaxoo

Aayaddo macneeyee.

To me you are like

A learned shaikh
Who is the guardian of the faith
And who expounds verses of the Quran
The itinerant shaikh with an entourage of disciples is a

familiar sight among the Somali nomadic communities who

offer food and protection to the travelling shaikh and
his pupil's .. An example of the Vlarm hospitality which
is customarily accorded to men of religion is illustrated

4.6 •

in this extract from a poem by Sayid Maxamed Cabdille Xasan:
Wadaadkii kitaabbo 1eh inaan, wan u qalaa Vleeye
Weylaalis inan meel dugsoon, ugu wadhaa weeye
Walanqihiyo dhaylada inuu, wa1afsadaa weey~

It is my duty to kill a ram for the shaikh laden

\vi th his books

And in a sheltered spot I should spread my straVl

mat for him
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