Honolulu palm greenwallpaper, £20 perroll, Graham & Brown.Postcard, from aselection at Paperchase.La Selva bowl candle,£10, John Lewis``````GREATAS AGIFT!``````EXPERIMENT EXPERI WITH DIFFERENT TROPICAL^STRING ART DESIGNS â WHY NOT MAKEA SET WITH WPINEAPPLE OR PALM TREE SHAPES``````Old tabletop or board White paint10mm tacks, £2 for 100g, HobbycraftNeon pink macrame cord, £3 for 10m,Hobbycraft DecoArt Crafters Acrylic inneon green, £1.50, Hobbycraft Whiteand black thread Pencil Hammer
1Paint the tabletop or board with whitepaint, allow to dry. Paint border edge inneon green, leave to dry. Draw or print aflamingo outline onto paper and place onboard. Tap in tacks to hold paper in place.
2Hammer in tacks all the way aroundthe lines, then tear paper away. Knotthe end of the pink cord around a tack andwind at random to fill the flamingo shape.Tie off when complete and cut the excess.Add black and white thread for the beak.
STRINGARTUse neon cordto create aunique wallfeature``````TAK E S1HR COST£6.50``````Join in and share yourhome revamps with Styleat Home on Instagram@styleathomemag
Plain fabric table runner PaintbrushTulip green fabric paints, £3 each,Hobbycraft Large leaf stamps, £2.99each, eBay 1m neon pink pom pomtrim, 99p, eBay Needle & thread1Protect your surface with newspaperthen lay the runner flat on top. Usea paintbrush to apply the first shade ofgreen paint to the stamp, then press itdown firmly onto the fabric. Continue alongthe runner, spacing the prints out evenly.2Repeat using a second stamp anddifferent shade of green paint, filling inthe gaps between the other leaves. Mix thepaints to create one or two more shadesand continue to stamp, overlapping. Oncedry, stitch the pom pom trim to each end.TAKES1HR COST£9.98
TABLERUNNERYou can styleup your summertabletop withthis palm leaf-inspired runnerAtkinson dinnerplates, £6 each,Habitat. Ombreglasses, £22 forfour; yellow tealightholder, £3, both TheContemporary Home``````ISLANDSTYLETA BLE``````housetohome.co.uk/styleathome SEPTEMBER 2016| 85
nancy kaufman
(Nancy Kaufman)