Allah The Concept of God in Islam

(Ron) #1

for He is al-Wakeel, and He is your Guardian." Allah loves His servants who turn to Him and
rely on Him provided they exert some effort and exhaust the means available to them.

Allah has made His Messenger a role model to emulate in the reliance upon his Lord, for
Allah has ordered His believing servants to be among those who rely on Him. In Surat
Yousuf, He says, "Judgment is only Allah's; on Him do I rely, and on Him let those who are
reliant rely" (Qura'n, 12:67). In another verse of the same chapter, He says, "And what reason
do we have not to rely on Allah, and He has, indeed, guided us in our ways? And certainly we
would bear with patience your persecution of us, and on Allah should the reliant
rely" (Qura'n, 14:12). In 39:38 we read, "Say: Allah suffices me; on Him do the reliant
rely" (Qura'n, 39:38).

One who chooses Allah as his Guardian is one who has also to guard Allah's interest in his
own self by observing His rights and obligations and whatever He has required him to do, so
he should be the opponent of his own evil-insinuating self day and night, without laxing for a
moment, nor falling short even for the twinkling of an eye.

  1. "Al-Qawiyy" and 55. "Al-Mateen"

The Almighty has said, "Surely Allah bestows sustenance, the Lord of Power, the Strong
One" (Qura'n, 51:58).

"Al-Qawiyy" and "al-Mateen" are two of Allah's Attributes and are mentioned in such an
order. They share the same basic meaning.

Linguistically, "al-Qawiyy" is derived from quwwa, strength, power, might, ability, etc. It is
in lexicons indicative of strength versus weakness. Strength in this sense describes a complete
and perfect might. Since He is very Strong, Allah has the most perfect and absolute might and
perfection; He has said, "... surely your Lord is the Strong, the Mighty" (Qura'n, 11:66). "Al-
Qawiyy" means: the One Whose strength is unlimited and before Whom the strength of His
foe dwarves, and so does the greatness of anyone held as great. Allah has granted the angels a
mighty power whereby one angel, for example, can uproot a mountain or turn cities upside
down. Yet such an angel, or his like, fears Allah and His Might, shakes in awe for fear of His
Greatness. Al-Qawiyy is the One Whose Might and Greatness are perfect: He subdues and is
not subdued; He helps and is not helped; His Might is superior to the might of anyone else. It
is also said that He never suffers any weakness in Himself, in His qualities, or in His actions,
and His strength is indicative of His complete Might.

There are many Qura'nic verses that describe Allah as the Strong One; among them are the

O had only those who are unjust seen when they witness the chastisement that power is

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