Allah The Concept of God in Islam

(Ron) #1

reached you; therefore, beware!"

This proves that the root word of this Attribute is derived from nearness, and this meaning is
met in the case of a slave, a supporter, a cousin, an ally, or a guardian. In all these cases, there
are situations which necessitate nearness required for proximity and communication. If this is
proven, His being al-Waliyy of His servants is indicative of His being near to them. The
Almighty has said, "... and He is with you wherever you are" (Qura'n, 57:4). He has also said,

... and We are nearer to him than his life-vein. (50:16) Nowhere is there a secret counsel
between three persons except that He is their fourth. (58:7)

Whoever repeats this Attribute, realizing its great meanings, must be a friend of Allah. Any
friend of Allah is also a friend of people, Allah's servants. He looks after them, managing
their affairs, and so on. Allah says, "Believing men and women are guardians of one
another" (Qura'n, 9:71). Whoever aspires to be close to the Almighty will find Him willing to
be his friend too, and whoever turns away from Allah, Allah will turn away from him, and
Satan will welcome him with open arms.

  1. "Al-Hameed"

The Almighty has said, "O people! You are the ones who stand in need of Allah, while Allah
is the self-Sufficient, the Praised One" (Qura'n, 35:15).

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