The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades

(lu) #1

TheCrusade We Must Fight Today

thro ugh a conc erte d effo rt to exti rpat e themult icul tura list setho s from
school textbooks and the culture at large. Western civilizat ion has given
the world notions of human rights that are univers ally accepte d (except
in the Isla mic worl d), tech nolo gica l adva ncem ent beyo nd the wild est
dreams of people of previous ages, and a great deal more. Yet our own
leader s and teacher s tell us we must stand before the world in a posture
of shame.

It's time to say "eno ugh, " and teac h our chil dren to take prid e in thei r
own herit age. To know that they have a cult ure and a histo ry of which
they can and should be grateful; that they are not the children and grand-
children of oppressors and villains; and that their homes and families are
worth defending against those who want to take them away, and are will-
ing to kill to do so.
Call itaCrusade.

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