The Politically incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)
Just Like Today:
Using the Qur'an to justify terrorism
In a sermon broadcastan official Palestinian Authority televisionin 2000,Dr.
Ahmad AbuHalabiya, a member of the Palestinian Authority's FatwaCouncil ,
declar ed:Allah the almight y has called uponus not toally with theJews or
the Christi ans,not to like them,not to become their partner s,not to support
them, andnot to sign agreeme nts withthem. Andhe who does thatis one of
them,as Allahsaid: '0 you who believe, do nottake the Jews and the
Christians as allies, for they are allies of one another.Who from among you
takes them as allies will indeed be one of them:... Have no mercy onthe Jews,
nomatter where theyare, in any country. Fight them. wherever you are.
Wherever you meet them,kill them'
In thisAbu Halabi ya wasquoti ng Qur'an 5:51r0 ye who belie ve!Take
not the Jews and the Christ ians foryour frien dsand prote ctors: they are
but friends and protectorsto each other.And he amongst you that turns to
them (for friend ship) is of them") and 9:5 ("slay the idolat ers whereve r ye
find them"). He applied these words to the contemporary political situation;
"Where ver you are,kill those Jews and those American swho are like
them—and those who stand bythem—they areall in one trench,against the
Arabsand theMuslims—because they establishedIsrael here, in thebeating
heart of the Arab world,in Palestine.They created itto be the outpost of their
civilization—andthe vanguardof their army, and tobe the sword of the
Westand the crusaders, hangingover the necks of the monotheists, the
Muslims intheseLands.—