Breathe: Hold your crystal in your palm and blow forcefully on your crystal. Imagine you are blowing a white light over crystals ...
Article 16 Reiki FAQ People who are contemplating to learn Reiki or healing with Reiki have many questions regarding Reiki. Same ...
Q4. How is Reiki session performed? Reiki practitioner set the room, may put on calming music or call upon their angels and guid ...
§ Cleanse chakras and aura § Enhance creativity § Connect to higher self § Removes side effects of medicines § Natural self ...
Q9. Can I learn Reiki by watching videos or reading Reiki books? You can follow books or videos once you have been attuned. You ...
Q15. Can Reiki be merged with any other healing modalities? Definitely YES. Reiki can be merged with any other modalities. Reiki ...
Reiki can be given to pregnant ladies. It is totally safe. It will balance and heal all the chakras and keep the baby healthy an ...
Q.27 Can level 1 practitioner use Reiki symbols? No. Symbols are introduced during level 2 attunement. In level one, main focus ...
Q.33 Is it possible to learn Reiki by watching videos or reading books? No. You need Reiki attunement from a Reiki Master to ini ...
heal the past event that was the root cause of the issue. It also clears mental blockages related to the opposite person, brings ...
Article 17 Karmic Scars What are karmic scars? Karmic scars are lethal wounds or scars from past lives that are carried over to ...
§ A red/brown cut or slight curve means stab wound. § Spots inside the eye indicates eye injury– stab or puncture. (I have thi ...
You need to do above healing methods multiple times to heal karmic issues. There are other techniques to heal karmic scars: Viol ...
Article 18 Teeth and Associated Organs, Emotions and Chakras What do people do when they have general toothache or dental issues ...
5 U. right 1 st Pre- molar Compulsive, control freak, critical, sadness Large intestine, Lungs Throat, Heart, Solar-plexus 4 U. ...
9 U. front Central Incisor Fatigue, fear, guilt, shame, shyness Kidney, Bladder Throat, Solar- plexus Sacral, Root 10 U. left La ...
15 U. left 2 nd Molar Anxiety, hatred, low self-esteem, obsessed Stomach, Spleen, Left breast Throat, Solar- plexus, Sacral, Roo ...
6 L. right Canine Anger, frustration, manipulation, resentment Liver, Gall Bladder Throat, Solar- plexus 5 L. right 1 st Pre-Mol ...
Sacral, Root Lower Left: - starting from front number 9:- Number Tooth name Emotions Meridians/Organs Chakras 9 L. front Central ...
Solar- plexus, Sacral, Root 14 L. left 1 st Molar Compulsive, control freak, critical, sadness Lung, Large intestine Throat, Hea ...
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