Expert C Programming
mango[i] = mango[i] + y; i++; and not mango[i++] = mango[i++] + y; Once, when we were interviewing applicants for a position on ...
To the chagrin of the kibitzers, this quickly revealed that one of the operations was being done in the wrong place! Moral: Don' ...
Programming Challenge Professor Perlis's Gut-Busting Homework Assignment Caution: This Programming Challenge may be too intense ...
of it learned that they were probably not cut out for graduate school. It was a week of furious activity, in which I learned mor ...
You can't achieve this with a function. The type of a function's formal parameter is defined within the function, so it cannot b ...
then derives two inconsistent end-states using two different physical laws (i.e., conservation of charge and conservation of ene ...
There is an old story about a physics student finding novel ways to measure the height of a building using a barometer. The stor ...
The Mafia Method: Extort the building's height from the superintendent, using the barometer as a weapon. The Ballistic Method: F ...
The Calorific Method: Drop the barometer from the roof into a container of water covered with a narrow slit to minimize splashin ...
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